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English-Hindi > egoistic hedonism

egoistic hedonism meaning in Hindi

egoistic hedonism sentence in Hindi

स्वार्थमूल्क सुखवाद
egoistic    आत्म-हितैषी
hedonism    सुखवाद प्रेयवाद
1.Egoism, or  Egoistic Hedonism,  claims that each individual should seek his or her own greatest happiness.

2.I should not, however, infer from this that the pursuit of pleasure is necessarily self-defeating and futile; but merely that the principle of Egoistic Hedonism, when applied with a due knowledge of the laws of human nature, is practically self-limiting; i . e ., that a rational method of attaining the end at which it aims requires that we should to some extent put it out of sight and not directly aim at it.

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